Kelas : 3EB17
Npm : 23210156
Tugas : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#
- Kania is a beautiful girl
- Shinta has beauty, voice and charisma to burn. No wonder the audience applauded her before she had sung a note
- The book explain how to beautify yourself.
- She plays the piano beautifully.
- My new motorcycle is fast.
- I see a man was driving a car very fast.
- I fasten my helmet when I will drive a motorcycle.
- Dont forget to fastener your seatbelt for safety if go by car.
- My friend is good. They share goodness everyday.
- I do it very well now.
- The sword is sharp.
- Harry sharpen her pencil for exams
- The sharpness knife can cut apple into five pieces.
- The girl stare at me sharply.
- He is very smart and quick thinking.
- I need to quicken my run to win this game.
- Valentino Rossi drive a motorcycle very quickly above average quickness.