Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

The changes history of catfish's statue into the clock

Nama    : Harry Ashari
 Npm      : 23210156
 Kelas     : 3Eb17

Catfish statue used to be in the middle of the city of Bekasi. Existence so bookmark favorite way of being in the middle of the road and a big statue. Catfish statue is between Railway Station, the largest mosque in Bekasi, Regional General Hospital also Bekasi Police Department.

Catfish is a lot in Bekasi as Bekasi has many rivers and one of the long and famous Kali Malang. According to their catfish is not a good symbol for catfish is a voracious beast and eating everything that is nearby, the price is cheap.

Because a lot of protest from the public, the statue was burned. Catfish statue has now changed to a large clock.

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